Brian Rogers is a bohemian bassist with bars 💯 fusing jazz & rapid-fire, spoken word lyrical delivery…

…for a limited time you can download Brian’s latest single for free!

Listen to what others are saying about Brian!

“Dope!!” – the first female beatbox world champion, Butterscotch

“He dances with words” – Interviewer and Emmy award Winner Beth Ruyak

“His spoken word style… touches on the lived experiences involving those spaces in the U.S. that people of color have learned to decipher and navigate through, intuitively, in order to eschew their pitfalls or traps. – College Journalist Josê Tovar

Brian says, “I was was high AF. Too high in fact. Because I don’t really smoke and I did that night. It was open mic jazz jam night and I was hiding in the crowd. But the club owner saw me, called me out and pulled me on stage… Like I said I was too high, but I freestyled and killed it. Those drums, da bass, the horns, the crowd, and weed.. it all Resurrected me, and it was literally Easter lol. It was my first (and last) time as a traditional rapper/MC. That night matched the times I opened for Warren G in a club or Bernie Sanders in a stadium.. It was magical.” – Brian Rogers

Brian’s songs come from a deep place that frees him from nightmares of modern everyday life. He once pulled his car over because he was having an anxiety attack and could’t breathe thinking about systematic racism. So in that moment he wrote a song that saved him, and that song has now been sung by audiences along with Brian at clubs, colleges and theaters– When Brian raps he also sings and plays funky-ass bass, hella tight drums, or acoustic guitar with a Spanish or Nicaragua-like flavor. His music is truly dope.

For a limited time Brian is giving away the latest single from his most recent album. Just enter your name and email address a little further down on this page or in the righthand side of this site for laptop, and you will be immediately sent the download link to the free tracks.

So enter your name and email now, bump that bass, and let it slap. Because as America’s Got Talent finalist and beatboxer Butterscotch said about Brian’s music – “Dope!!”