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I first want to speak my appreciation and say thanks… Just Hit Play!Brian Rogers Music

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Thanks so much for ordering my album. Before you go I’ve got something very special I’d like to share with you…

I have been a musician for nearly my entire life, and as you can imagine, I have written and recorded many songs, performed live more times than I can count, and amassed mountains of behind the scenes footage, posters, artwork, lyric sheets, and the list goes on…

I’ve now got this huge closet because I recently moved, and it’s where I stashed all those CD demos. Every handwritten lyric, EVERYTHING. Just moving forced me to get organized, but I also became paranoid about losing it or scratching those discs beyond use. PLUS…

Many fans have been with me since the beginning and you can’t guess how often I’ll get someone screaming from the audience at a show “play that one song!” or after the show “DO you play that one song from back in the day, is it on your album?”.

So I began a very long process of digitizing EVERYTHING. Everything from my VERY FIRST handwritten SONG LYRIC to all the songs and shows played in between. Almost decades of stuff– Basically a timeline of my finest moments.  I actually was SO inspired that I started writing a short book as a guide, about the moments behind the music.

This content was so fun to put together I started thinking of ways to get it to all those old fans and I thought “Why not be that artist and capture the magic in a fun, movie-like, colorful and experience heightening way. Make my experience as big as it is, and deepen the experience for folks who already like me .

Click Here To Download “Run Fast And Swerve Muthafucka–
The Complete Brian Rogers Collection” Now!

  • So I now have a online musical archive of 49 tracks, 7 interviews, my book
  • You’ll also receive all previously released albums, all the album artwork
  • All the album lyrics, handwritten and typed. And to take things even deeper, I created an entire portion of the complete collection called…

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  • Run Fast And Swerve Muthafucka”, the COMPLETE Story.frasmf box set frame
  • It features me on a TV special doing comedy, discussing “How I Became a Man.”
  • There’s a 23-page art book featuring flyers, fan-made art, original album designs and just crazy stuff that I couldn’t duplicate. For example…
  • Behind the scenes footage of us in a straight up earthquake at a rehearsal we just happened to be recording!!! **In the rehearsal room next to us was a band called “Dying Fetus,” who kept playing through the entire Earthquake… (You can guess what type of music they play). We were joking about how they probably thought they caused the Earthquake.
  • A fan favorite about my dog Bronks (not Bronx) that I played Live in the TV studio!
  • I wrote  a 25  pg.book of my life story which; In fact– every chapter of this life story correlates exactly with every chapter of music, giving the story behind the music.
  • 7 Interviews talking about my career and playing with The Toyes (The Toyes wrote ‘Smoke Two Joints’ “by” Sublime.
  • An over the shoulder look at my 1st lyric book
  • A photo album including shots behind the scenes photos of the band and fans on the road
  • Typed Lyrics to the album Larry Graham praised for it’s lyrics..
  • Plus, everyone who picks up a copy of theBrian Rogers Complete Collection gets a free copy of my album of cover songs! That’s 9 songs you def. know and love, done in a completely eccentric, low end boosted fashion.

    Covers Album Cover Final Shadow

    FREE ALBUM w/purchase!

And I’d love for you to have access to all of it!

But no BS, if its not too obnoxious: This collection of the music portion of the box set would  be worth over 57 bucks, and with the video added in it’d be worth over seventy five bucks, But I’m def. NOT going to do that: I want everyone to have easy access to my best stuff. And remember, much of this material is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE!

However, as a THANK YOU for ordering one of my albums… I want to offer you access at just a fraction of the normal price… As a SPECIAL ONE TIME OFFER…

You can get access to my entire archive for just 19.95… That means your paying just pennies per track compared to what you would pay were you to buy this material via the normal retail channels. If it were even available.

Which leads to me to perhaps the most important thing: By buying the Brian Rogers Complete Collection, you’ll be helping to support me create more new music for you. You’re supporting the new age of real artists… While simultaneously helping fans enjoy a much better community, and  just straight up better music.

Click Here To Download “Run Fast And Swerve Muthafucka–
The Complete Brian Rogers Collection” Now!

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FORTY-NINE of My Singles!

So ~ Here’s a recap of what you’ll get instant access to if you sign up to experience the Brian Rogers COMPLETE COLLECTION:

  • Off the bat, you’ll receive over 49 tracks
  • All previously released albums
  • unseen photos
  • Handwritten lyrics,
  • Pro artwork and more
  • In this archive you get to listen to everything from my very first demo recordings when I was just 17, to unreleased tracks recorded fro my most recent album, all the way up to a funny interview I did on a live TV special, about becoming a man at age 9. Tt’s my entire musical journey, documented  in one complete collection.
  • A free copy of my album of cover songs! Done in my way:  raw/eccentric, funky/bass-driven rock.
  • Everything is housed online and You’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS immediately after ordering. Its super easy to navigate and more importantly…
  • Fun to explore: original, RAW and eccentric as I am with my particular skill set that features bass… that also features his book

As confident as I am, I also realize this is probably not for everyone. If my album was a gift, or perhaps just a casual purchase, than this special offer may not be for you.

However if you are a fan of my music and would like to help support me as an artist while getting one hell of a deal, then rest assured this is a great opportunity to load up on some very special content at a price that you WON’T see again.

single box set small frameIts the best stuff I have, the heartbeat of a real indie artist that will inspire you… I know all my major changes happened because of music…

Most of us are looking for that cutting edge new music by that rare artist who’s got that touch…
who’s also got that fire, that edge, who’s out there killin it. We just don’t know who’s music is really worth it, but now…

It’s nice to REALLY meet you. My name’s Brian 😀

BUT PLEASE REMEMBER: This enormous discount I’m offering on all of the above is a ONE TIME OFFER.

This Complete Collection is not currently available anywhere else, and once you close this page this special price will be gone for good.

So if you’d like to get access to over 49 songs, my book, all previously released albums, A free copy of my album of cover songs, unseen photos, handwritten lyrics, pro artwork… the real gold…

Click the order button you see below now!

No thanks, I’d like to pass on this chance to get access to “Run Fast And Swever Muthafucka: The Complete Brian Rogers Collection” and preoceed to the download page for the album I have already purchased.

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