“So They Want My Soul…”

You know that deep breath in the car, before a meeting that might change your life?  Lungs full, exhale~ I had a heavy meeting with an industry big wig who could change my whole music career…

He was already there. We shook hands and he said, “Go ahead and get a coffee. Then we’ll talk”. i ordered a single shot of espresso because only successful brothas sip on those, right? People pay attention to your drink, right?

He started: “How you doin’?” I took a sip of my uppity drink and went straight in: “My girlfriend wants a baby. I don’t.” He leaned forward…

“She’s right. You’ll like being a Dad, you’re the perfect age for it. What I’m about to offer will help with the cost of that baby.” The nerve of this dude… but then he told me who he worked for. I can’t directly say who it is, but it’s the largest social media platform in the world – If you’re reading this, you 100% have a profile on there.

“We need content. The music can’t be cheesy. We need REAL music. I called you because I saw a video of you rapping, singing, slappin’ the bass. Kinda rap, kinda spoken word.  That’s what we want.”

I took another sip from my tiny cup.

“We need you to turn in one song per week. For each song you’ll make ______.” I can’t say but it was BAL-LER. His offer, plus the espresso, had me Lit.

But then he told me they’d own the masters and the publishing of my songs. I shrank. “So they want my soul?” He reminded me of the money and said, “It’s worth a shot – if it doesn’t work out, at least you finished the first tracks for your next record.” He hit a homer with that sales pitch…

I finished the tracks and sent them off. Then his email came in: “Brian, you have definitely found your groove here. So with these 3 (new tracks) I feel like you have the material to proceed.” *Can you imagine my feeling of excitement?*

A week later he appeared at a live show. He came backstage and shook my hand, and honestly it felt like making a deal with the devil.

Doubt came down my arm and went into our handshake.It was like a protective force-field. We both felt it. We stopped the handshake. I said “later” and he just walked away. I never heard from him again

Life then got harder when my old 2002, oxidized Hyundai Santa Fe died. Gigs started slowing down, and I even had to move in with Mama. It was embarrassing. I kept hustling, but… this was a low point. My diet was now Popeye’s chicken and self-pity, but then something snapped…

“THAT”S ENOUGH!” I started eating healthier, quit caffeine and alcohol for a while and began daily meditation. I lost 35 pounds and people started asking what I was doing. So I told them and it helped them. Forgetting the music biz for a second and helping others felt great.

But I guess all that good karma started coming back my way, because MY PHONE STARTED BLOWING UP… Offers to make music for TV shows and movies, high-end gigs and studio musician work… I bought a new ride and moved outta Mama’s into my own spot. To my surprise, my ex-girlfriend called and said she didn’t want a baby. So we started cupcakin’ again.Being dropped from that social media job hurt my ego, but it pushed me to be a Black business owner, like Nipsey.

And that means YOU, yes you are my label. You’re the boss. You decide if my tracks are hot. Not Big Brother. That company ghosted me, but they set me free.

I took almost all my music off Spotify and everywhere that pays the artist 0.01 cents per stream. And those tracks I made for Big Bro? Now they’re right here instead. And if I may say so myself, it sounds goood. It feeels goooood… I def. think you should peep it.

“Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage” cuz it’s the new music biz. It all makes sense when the vibes and the bass really hits your heart. You can stream some of it from my latest album, called ‘Single’, by clicking here. It’s like “slanging my album outta the trunk”, except it’s the internet now, not the trunk… So thank you for your support!!

*AND TO THE PARENTS: My girlfriend probably eventually wants kids. I have to respect that And I want to give it some serious thought… So what do you think? If I go through with Fatherhood, what is your greatest advice? I’m serious, please talk to me in the comments below…

Thank you!!! From the heart, and from the ground up -B